Health Advocacy Committee
The Health Advocacy Committee is comprised of social workers who have an interest in advancing the practice of healthcare social work. Its dual focus is advocacy for the role of social work in healthcare and advocacy for clients in the healthcare system.
Chair: Fiona Lewis
Read the Terms of Reference
Current Activities
Template for letter to your MLA with concern for impact of heat domes
Write to your MLA: The heat dome events last summer caused both death and suffering among vulnerable groups in British Columbia. Many of the deaths were preventable and there are actions governments can take now to avoid similar tragedies in the future. The Health Advocacy Committee of BCASW encourages social workers to write to their MLA’s urging them to act now to mitigate the risks of extreme heat events. You can easily complete the template letter linked to the heading above to send to your MLA now.
Find your MLA
Discharge into Homelessness Survey Results
In 2019, the Health Advocacy Committee conducted a survey of social workers working in acute healthcare settings across the province to better understand the practices related to the discharge of homeless individuals from hospital. We specifically wanted to know the extent to which vulnerable patients were being discharged to unsafe or unhealthy locations as well as the perspectives of social workers in relation to how practice in this area could be improved. Over 120 social workers responded to the survey. Highlights of their responses are depicted in this infographic. Find the full report in Reports and Briefs.
Morris, R., Lewis, F., Baker, N., Saul, M., & Bohachewski, K. (2021). “I have failed them and failed my duties”: Experiences of hospital social workers discharging patients into homelessness. Health and Social Work.
Download The Role of Social Workers on the Health Care Team, an information sheet to distribute to program decision-makers, managers.