Members' Resource Page
Contribute to Your Profession AND Work Towards Your CPD Goals!
Consider Volunteering as a Board Director
BCASW invites members to participate on the Provincial Board and on local Branch Executive Committees. This is an opportunity to serve your profession through provincial and local leadership. Each year positions become available on the Provincial Board and local branches welcome participation. Currently the Provincial Board is seeking nominations for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Member-at-Large. Please contact BCASW if your are interested in nominating or serving. Nominations are open until March 30, 2025. Terms begin following the May 29th, 2025 AGM.
The Board consists of the Past President, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to four Members-at-Large, all elected by the Members; one representative from each Branch each appointed by Members of that Branch or, in the case of an inactive Branch, the Board may nominate a Representative; a Student Representative; an Indigenous Liaison Representative; and the CASW Representative.
Duties of the Executive Committee: Past President, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Indigenous Liaison Representative, and CASW Representative
- Performs the usual duties and exercise the usual powers of a presiding officer as defined in Robert's Rules of Order subject to the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association and any special rules adopted in accordance with them.
- Exercises the overall governance of the executive functions of the Association.
- Represents the Board between its meetings and report to the Board on these interim actions.
- Presides at the AGMs and Executive Committee meetings.
- Attends Presidents meetings of CASW.
- Is ex-officio, a member of all Standing Committees.
- Is available to staff for consultation on Association matters.
Past President
- Acts as an advisor to the President and perform such other duties as are assigned by the President.
- Performa such duties and exercise such authority as shall be delegated or assigned by the President.
- Performs the duties of the President in the President's absence and such other duties as assigned by the President.
- Assists the President in performing the duties of office.
- Performs such further duties and exercise such authority as assigned or delegated by the President.
- Is responsible for all records of the Association except those related exclusively to finance.
- Keeps or causes the Executive Director to keep a register of the members of the Board and the Members.
- Prepares and keeps or causes to be prepared and kept the minutes of Meetings of the Board, the Executive Committee and the Nominating Committee.
- Ensures that all Members are notified of all general and other meetings of the Members.
- Oversees the financial affairs of the Association.
- Proposes an annual budget to the Board.
- Reports to the members and Board regarding the finances of the Association.
- Ensures that the annual review is conducted.
Indigenous Liaison Representative
- Supports the BCASW Board to achieve the goals of Truth and Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples of British Columbia.
- Provides culturally appropriate advice, perspectives, and ideas on Indigenous historical, geographical, cultural, or linguistic matters to aid the Board in developing enhanced decisions.
CASW Representative (Application Requirements Here)
- Ensures that the Board is well informed of the activities and directions of CASW
- Is informed as to the directions and activities of BCASW adequately to be able to represent BCASW’s interests at the CASW table.
Please contact BCASW for further information.
Other Boards and Volunteering
If you are a BCASW member and work with an organization looking for board members, please send the information including a link to the organization's website to BCASW by email to request that the position be considered for posting as a continuing professional development opportunity.
Volunteer to Serve on BCASW Committees
Contact BCASW for more information on participation on the following committees:
Professional Development
Nominations Committee: Identifies potential Executive members at least 90 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. This is a standing committee of the Board chaired by the Past President of BCASW.
BCASW Collegial Webinars
BCASW's Professional Development Committee seeks proposals for collegial webinars. The webinars, hosted by BCASW, are designed for members to share skills, knowledge, and practice strategies with colleagues. There is specific interest in proposals that relate to clinical social work, ethical practice, as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Please use the template found here for your webinar proposal. Once the pdf fillable form has been filled out, it can be submitted to the BCASW PD Committee by emailing with "Presenter Application" in the subject line. Your proposal will be forwarded to the BCASW Professional Development Committee for consideration.
Canadian Association of Social Workers Webinars
Live and recorded webinars are free to BCASW members. To access, create an account on the CASW website and login as a member.
UBC Webinars - Continuing Education and Certification Programs
10% discount for BCASW Members - please contact our office for codes
Releasing Trauma:
An Integrative Model of Trauma Practice
Date: February 21, 2025
Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
CEU: 6 hours
Location: Virtual – Zoom session- Zoom link will be provided 72 hours before the start
Cost: $180 - Registration Link
The Relational Compass:
Systemic Therapy for Couples and Families
Dates: February 27 – May 8, 2025 (see session breakdown for specific dates) Time: 1:00
pm to 4:00 pm (PST)
CEU: 18 hours of instruction in total (six sessions of 3 hours each)
Location: Virtual – Zoom sessions -Zoom link will be provided 72 hours before the start
Cost: $540 - Registration Link
Meaningful Dialogues:
Serious and Terminal Illness, End of Life and MAiD
Session 1: Meaningful Dialogues: Counselling with Clients Experiencing Serious and Terminal
Session 2: Meaningful Dialogues: Counselling with Clients Experiencing End-of-Life, and Those
Considering Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)
• Session 1: Friday March 7, 2025
• Session 2: Friday April 11, 2025
Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (each session)
CEU: 6 hours (per session)
Location: Virtual – Zoom sessions -Zoom link will be provided 72 hours before the start
Cost: $250 (per session) - Registration links: Session 1
Session 2
Narrative Therapy: Foundational Skills for an Anti-Oppressive Approach to Clinical Practice
Date: March 14, 2025
Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
CEU: 6 hours
Location: Virtual – Zoom sessions - Zoom Link will be provided 72 hours before the start
Cost: $180 - Registration Link
The British Columbia College of Social Workers (BCCSW)
Volunteer Opportunities
Membership on the College Committees is a great opportunity for registrants to contribute their expertise to the regulation of the social work profession in British Columbia, in the best interest of the public. The College is anticipating possible vacancies on the following committees in 2025:
Quality Assurance Committee (3 positions)
Registration Committee (2 positions)
Discipline Committee
Inquiry Committee (5 positions)
Indigenous Council
For more information click here.
Disaster Psychosocial Services (DPS) Volunteer Network

Volunteer with the Disaster Psychosocial Volunteer Network in your community and/or travel BC with your existing emotional support skills and experience to communities affected by disasters. Individuals you would be supporting include evacuees, emergency response workers, and other volunteers by offering psychological first aid.
With the support, guidance, and training from the Provincial Disaster Psychosocial Team at Provincial Authority (PHSA), you will: give back to communities; gain disaster response experience; build connections with other like-minded volunteers; and earn professional development credits for your career by:
- volunteering with a professional organization - DPS Volunteer Network deployment opportunities offering psychological first aid post-disaster
- preparing and delivering teaching - DPS Volunteer Network offers psychological first aid workshops facilitated by experienced and previously deployed volunteers to communities
- attending webinars - DPS Volunteer Network offers monthly virtual speaker series on disaster psychosocial-related topics
Visit to learn more by clicking here.
Apply to be a DPS Field Volunteer by clicking here.
Connect with the Coordinator by emailing or call 604-319-0196 (M-F).
Practicing BCASW Member Scholarships
Please note that applications for both scholarships are limited to one per member every two years. Please review the selection criteria and protocols below prior to filling out an application for either or both of the scholarships. Your application will be forwarded to the BCASW Award Committee for review and you will receive a return email with their decision.

CASW/BMS scholarships are awarded to assist members of CASW partner organizations to attend activities that align with the mission and purpose of CASW and uphold the values and principles of the CASW Code of Ethics. Priority will be given to support social work professional development opportunities provided through CASW conferences, BCASW conferences, and other BCASW training events.
More information and eligibility
To apply

The law firm of Murphy Battista LLP, in consultation with the British Columbia Association of Social Workers (BCASW), created the BCASW Murphy Battista LLP Continuing Education Bursary Fund to assist practicing social workers with the cost of continuing education.
More information and eligibility
To apply
Perspectives Newsmagazine
View a list of articles in Perspectives newsmagazines. Members can download digital copies of back issues of Perspectives in the Virtual Resource Room by contacting BCASW for the entry code.
Book Reviews and Articles
Write a book review and submit for review for publication in an edition of Perspectives. More information here.
Write an article to share with your colleagues. More information here.
Podcasts/Courses on Social Work Topics
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) in the USA presents annual awards to members of the media who raise awareness about Social Work and social issues. Check out the ethics podcasts and access links to former website winners:
The sites feature podcast conversations with prominent social work professionals and researchers about a wide variety of topics.
Gender-Affirming Relational Practice
Gender-Affirming Relational Practice (GARP) is a two-hour course designed specifically for care providers, delivering an overview of how they can combine clinical practice, relational practice, and gender-affirming care principles to improve access and suitability of care for trans, Two-Spirit, and non-binary clients.
Care providers can register for the course for free directly on the new Trans Care BC learning management system or browse the full suite of courses available in the Education Centre.