BCASW keeps you current and informed.
Members receive print editions of Perspectives newsmagazine three times a year.
Regular eBulletins provide information about the latest research, media releases and statements, new resources, current events, newsworthy articles, and other useful updates. Notices of job and continuing education opportunities are sent out and branch emails will keep you informed of local BCASW activities.
BCASW members may access the Members' Area of the Canadian Association of Social Workers website. By signing up as member of the BCASW you are automatically eligible for national member communications and resources which include:
- Reporter – Monthly update on CASW initiatives and national resources
- Option to receive CASW’s Media Monitoring Service – an email service of national news relative to the social work profession.
- Access to the Social Work Reference Center
- Access to SocINDEX with full text
- Access to the Private Practice Portal
Find BCASW and CASW on Facebook, X, and Instagram. Some BCASW Branches have Facebook pages and/or online blogs.
BCASW produces a variety of brochures and other resources to support professional practice. Visit our Publications and Resources section to learn more.
We welcome hearing from our members! Give us a call or send us an email with your questions, concerns, and comments. Take the opportunity to talk over the issues faced by our profession with your peers and your Association.