For Healthcare Social Workers
Free downloadable information sheets
Social Work Skills and Knowledge in Health Care, is a leaflet designed to assist with the promotion of social work within multidisciplinary settings. This simple and succinct list of social work knowledge areas and skills is helpful for the purposes of describing our skills to colleagues in other professions and as a source to draw from for government relations work and speaking to issues of funding and staffing priorities.
The Role of Social Workers on the Health Care Team, is an information sheet to distribute to program decision-makers and managers.
The Role of the Social Worker on Primary Health Care Team, is an information sheet written in the context of increased federal and provincial attention and funding for primary care and interdisciplinary teams that include social workers, BCASW is in discussions with key stakeholders in the BCCSW, Ministry of Health, Doctors of BC, university social work departments, and health authorities to research, develop, and strengthen social work job descriptions in these new settings.
Brochures for purchase at cost

Social Work Services in Health Care Settings, is a brochure designed for distribution to clients/patients/families wanting to know more about the services they can receive from health care social workers. This BCASW brochure highlighting the role of social workers in the healthcare system is now translated to Traditional Chinese, French, and Punjabi. Brochures can be ordered by contacting BCASW.