The British Columbia Association of Social Workers

BCASW Board Meetings

The provincial Board of BCASW meets a minimum of five times per year, in person, online, or by teleconference. The executive members of the BCASW Board meet numerous times throughout the year.

The BCASW Strategic Plan

The BCASW Strategic Plan is a living document developed to guide and focus the organization. It is reviewed annually by the BCASW Board of Directors to safeguard that the goals of the organization remain relevant and timely to our membership. The four end goals are Professional Advocacy, Social Advocacy, Membership Service, and a Strengthened Association. 

Read BCASW's Strategic Plan here.

BCASW Governance Policies

The work of a Board is called “board governance”. The Board of BCASW acts on behalf of its Membership to make sure that BCASW achieves what it should and avoids what is unacceptable. BCASW has adopted in principle an adapted policy governance model. This document is a working document containing BCASW policies which will change over time with Board input.

Read BCASW's Governance Policies here.

Board Expense Form

BCASW Constitution and Bylaws

View the BCASW Constitution and Bylaws here

Our Mission

We are the professional association of social workers in British Columbia and promote the profession of Social Work. We advance Social Work practice and values to create a just and compassionate society.


Our logo incorporates two symbols: the dove, which expresses freedom, peace and hope and the hand.