BCASW Authors & Filmmakers
Virginia Satir’s Evolving Legacy: Transformative Therapy with a BodyMind Connection
Authors: Dr. Nitza Broide-Miller, Leona Flamand Gallant, Julie Gerhardt, Mary Leslie (editor), Anastacia Lundholm,
Jennifer Nagel, Dr. Carolyn Nesbitt. May 2024
World-renowned family therapist Virginia Satir (1916-1988) creatively integrated the body, mind and spirit in her therapy and teaching, moving beyond the prevailing theories of her time.
The body is central to this collaborative text by contemporary practitioners and trainers who integrate Satir’s life-affirming teachings in diverse ways.
Through personal stories and case studies, the authors share how the body is included in therapies for family, trauma, perinatal and infant, dance and movement plus therapeutic applications
of meditation, interactive sculpting and bodymind approaches to personal growth.
Co-Author Leona Flamand Gallant reminds us: “[Satir’s] messages are like a living cell in each of us who connected with her. Her message keeps expanding and renewing itself. It doesn’t stand still”.
The book is available in soft cover through a number of BC and Ontario local bookstores (see the list on www.maryleslie.ca/Virginia Satir’s Evolving Legacy.)
A 50 page excerpt is also available at www.agiopublishing.com.
It is also available as a book and ePub (kindle book) through amazon.ca.
It’s About You Too: Reducing the Overwhelm for Parents of LGBTQ+ Kids by Tracy Whitmore
It’s About You Too, takes parents of LGBTQ+ kids (of any age) on a journey to learn how to best support their child, while nurturing their own emotions. Tracy creates a safe and expansive environment for exploring, processing, and healing these emotions.
With compassion, It’s About You Too guides parents through the struggle, helping them delve into their beliefs, values, thoughts, and emotions, repairing any possible damage to their relationship. This invaluable process equips parents with the tools to navigate this journey with grace and understanding, while their child feels loved and supported.

You can purchase this book from Vancouver bookstores or the author's website https://indigojourney.co/book/.
Indelible, A Social Worker in the Wake of Civil War, by Dr. Wendy Nordick
The book is about the author’s international development experiences in Sri Lanka. She beautifully pens this passionate autobiographical account of her time volunteering in Sri Lanka post civil war. The book’s reading guide skillfully asks the reader to reflect on their emotions and experience while reading the chapters. We should note that some sections of the book touch on graphic content such as torture, and the author brings her commitment to her spiritual and religious beliefs throughout her writing. This is a valuable and insightful resource for any practitioner interested in working with trauma and PTSD. Some proceeds from the sale of the books will go to the Bonnie Brooks Foundation at TRU's School of Social Work and CUSO.

Back Jacket:Driven by a long-standing desire, her education and her faith, mental health professional, Wendy Nordick, and her husband Bill Blair, a retired judge, plunged into a two-year assignment with Canadian University Services Overseas. She believed her twenty-five years of clinical social work were appropriate credentials to help a country with the highest rates of suicide in the world. Bill hoped to work for peace and justice. They felt they became laughingstocks when work visa delays left them homeless. Days before leaving, Wendy’s father died. Once in Sri Lanka, she shivered in a rickety beer factory cum hospital where she taught mental health skills. A year later, she was transported into steamy, bombed out Jaffna, the epicenter of a civil war to teach a trauma team who worked with the war affected and tortured during the war. She was humbled by what she did not know and sought help from a previous refugee.
The British Columbia Television Premiere of Emergence: Out of the Shadows is on the Knowledge Network. The Knowledge Network link is here.
Film Synopsis:
For Kayden, Jag, and Amar, awakening to and expressing their sexuality within conservative South Asian families was a lonely and terrifying experience. Denial, shame, and despair haunted their youths, even threatening their lives. Yet, they’ve emerged. In the gripping feature documentary Emergence: Out of the Shadows, the disparate journeys of Kayden, Jag, and Amar candidly converge around a shared sense of compassion and healing as they bravely convey their often heart-wrenching stories. Confronted with tradition and taboo in their Punjabi Sikh cultures, resisting silence, Jag’s parents and Amar’s mother choose love over rejection, offering courage and inspiration to individuals and communities struggling with acceptance. Tender, thoughtful and teary, Emergence: Out of the Shadows asserts a potent and transformative voice in support of marginalized queer youth and their families.
The Sher Vancouver LGBTQ Friends Society is a registered charity for LGBTQ+ South Asians and their friends and families. Everyone is welcome.
If you are a BCASW member and have published or produced a literary work or film and would like to share the news, please send BCASW an executive summary and reference and we will post the information.
BCASW lists books and films by members with their permission as a membership service. However, the views expressed by the authors are not necessarily those of BCASW.