Media Backgrounder
The BC Association of Social Workers is a voice for professional social workers in British Columbia. Incorporated in 1956, BCASW is a not-for-profit, voluntary membership association whose mission is to promote the profession of social work and to advocate for social justice.
BCASW partners with the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW). Through CASW we support the work of the International Federation of Social Workers. BCASW has branches and over 1375 members throughout BC.
For further information, contact the BCASW Executive Director, Dianne Heath or BCASW President, Michael Crawford at
Social workers are trained and experienced professionals who have earned degrees at the bachelors, masters, or doctoral levels. The practice of social work requires knowledge of human development and behaviour, of social, economic, and cultural institutions; and of the interaction of all these factors. Social workers help individuals, families, groups, and communities to realize their potential and assist people to enjoy full, active, and creative lives. They work to create social and environmental conditions to enhance quality of life and to develop the full potential of each individual, group, and community in society. Social workers are counsellors, advocates, educators, policy analysts, administrators, activists, facilitators, mediators, organizers, and researchers.
Social worker's activities include, but are not restricted to:
- work with individuals, families, groups, and communities to shape and change the conditions in which they live;
- advocacy for disadvantaged members of society;
- work towards the elimination of structural inequalities in society to facilitate more equitable distribution;
- research to build our knowledge base and understanding of society;
- analyzing, challenging, and developing social policies.
Social workers are found in every facet of community life – hospitals, mental health clinics, programs for older adults, child welfare agencies, family service organizations, schools, treatment programs, correctional facilities, in private practice, and various private and public agencies serving community members.
The social work profession is based on a commitment to social justice, equity, respect for diversity, and critical thinking.